Come l’innovazione sta ridisegnando i confini dell’impresa moderna e del management aziendale?
Il BifeLab lavora per definire i principi e i sistemi di base per aiutare l’impresa a progettare le strategie di successo del futuro e facilitare la trasformazione del lavoro e del commercio che trova spinta nella continua innovazione tecnologica.
Il team di ricercatori esamina come i cambiamenti in atto stiano cambiando il modo in cui le aziende operano concentrandosi su come le aziende possono mantenere un vantaggio competitivo nel contesto della nuova era digitale.
Digital finance for SMEs and startups: a bibliometric analysis and future research direction
Modina, M., Fedele, M. and Formisano, A.V. (2024), "Digital finance for SMEs and startups: a bibliometric analysis and future research direction", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Cooperative credit banks and sustainability: Towards a social credit scoring
Cite: Zedda, S., Modina, M., & Gallucci, C. (2024). Cooperative credit banks and sustainability: Towards a social credit scoring. Research in International Business and Finance, 68, 102186.
The relationship between firm size and efficiency: why does default on bank loans matter? Quality & Quantity
Cite: Rapposelli, A., Birindelli, G. & Modina, M. (2023), The relationship between firm size and efficiency: why does default on bank loans matter? Quality & Quantity,
Predicting SMEs’ default risk: Evidence from bank-firm relationship data
Cite: Modina, M., Pietrovito, F., Gallucci, C., & Formisano, V. (2023). Predicting SMEs’ default risk: Evidence from bank-firm relationship data. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 89, 254–268.
Financial literacy, value creation and firm performance. An investigation of Italian small and medium enterprises
Cite: Quintiliani Andrea, Modina Michele, Arnone Massimo (2023). Financial literacy, value creation and firm performance. An investigation of Italian small and medium enterprises. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, ISSN: 1476-1297, doi: 10.1504/IJESB.2022.1003483
Diagnosing default syndromes: early symptoms of entrepreneurial venture insolvency
Cite: Modina Michele, Zedda Stefano (2023). Diagnosing default syndromes: early symptoms of entrepreneurial venture insolvency. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 30(1), vol. 30, no. 1, p. 186-209 ISSN: 1462-6004, doi: 10.1108/JSBED-02-2022-008