Descrizione Progetto
This paper aims to investigate both the process that, from incubation of the entrepreneurial idea arrives to economic and technical start-up of the new combination and subsequent entry into the market, and the trend of registrations of new businesses at the Companies Registry of Italian Chamber of Commerce.
The article is structured as follows: after the introduction, in the first section we analyze the stages through which the process relating to the creation of a company is gradually developing. In the second section it will be discuss the well-known problem of the conversion of the business dynamic, firstly in numbers, and then the interpretation of those numbers. It will then be analyzed the role of the financial resources that are known to constitute a critical factor in any new venture. The work will be completed with the analysis of data about the performance of new companies registered at Companies Registry of Italian Chamber of Commerce in a time span of ten years. The originality of the work lies in comparing the number of firms registered in the period before the crisis with the following one. The limitations of the research are influenced by lacking of information on the reasons why deciding to start up a new company. Regarding future research it is suggested to perform an empirical analysis aimed at overcoming the limit shown and to identify the characteristics of the government body, both in the start and in the moments following the birth of the company, including the value creation generated over time.
Keywords: business idea, start-ups, financial need