Descrizione Progetto


This paper aims to provide a further contribution tothe evolutionof the relationship between the system “enterprise”and its over-financial, superordinate level (L + 1) system, in view of the risk-return ratioand taking into account theinnovativemethods of capitalizationof the enterprises. To reach this goal, an inductive methodology has been appliedwith afocuson literature review. The originality of this paper lies in addressingthe issue from a managerial point of view, providing in this way a further contribution. However, theempirical validation of the conceptual model proposedaffects the work,thus it lays the basisfor future investigations through a quantitative analysis of the bank-enterprise relationship from the view point of enterprise itself, according to theinnovative regulation issuedby the BaselCommittee.

Keywords: enterprise, viablesystem, financial system, financial requirements, equity, relevance of the financial function, funding sources, intersystemic relationships