Quale sarà la banca del futuro e quali saranno i modelli di business prevalenti?
Il BifeLab lavora per progettare le strategie di successo delle banche in uno scenario in profondo mutamento. Il contesto in cui esse operano è sottoposto a pressioni derivanti da più fronti: una regolamentazione bancaria sui rischi basata su regole rigide e stringenti, avanzate tecnologie dell’informazione, una governance sempre più attenta alle esigenze degli stakeholders e, con loro, alla tutela dell’ambiente, degli interessi sociali, delle diversità di genere.
Il team di ricercatori esamina come i cambiamenti in atto stiano modificando l’operato delle banche e come esse possano rispondere riposizionando il proprio business.
To green or not to green? How CSR mechanisms at the governance level affect the likelihood of banks pursuing green product strategies
Cite: G. Birindelli, V. Palea (2022), To green or not to green? How CSR mechanisms at the governance level affect the likelihood of banks pursuing green product strategies, Corporate Governance, ISSN 1472-0701, https://doi.org/10.1108/CG-09-2021-0349
Climate change commitment, credit risk and the country’s environmental performance. Empirical evidence from a sample of international banks
Cite: G. Birindelli, G. Bonanno, S. Dell’Atti, A. P. Iannuzzi (2022), Climate change commitment, credit risk and the country’s environmental performance. Empirical evidence from a sample of international banks, Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 31, Issue 4, May, Pages 1641-1655, https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.2974
Regulatory Reform and Banking Diversity: Reassessing Basel 3
Cite: G. Birindelli, P. Ferretti, G. Ferri, M. Savioli (2022), Regulatory Reform and Banking Diversity: Reassessing Basel 3, Annals of Finance, pages 1-28, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10436-021-00406-3
Clean energy indices and brown assets: an analysis of tail risk spillovers through the VAR for VaR model
Cite: E. Angelini, G. Birindelli, H. Chiappini, M. Foglia (2022), Clean energy indices and brown assets: an analysis of tail risk spillovers through the VAR for VaR model, Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, DOI: 10.1080/20430795.2022.2105788
Banks’ governance and risk management frameworks: how to integrate ESG and climate risks
Cite: G. Birindelli, M. Bruno, A. Citterio, U. Fuso, G. L. Genero, A. Magurano (2022), Banks’ governance and risk management frameworks: how to integrate ESG and climate risks, Risk Management Magazine, Vol. 17, Issue 1, January – April, ISSN Print 2612-3665 – ISSN Online 2724-2153
Covid-19 outbreak and Credit Constraints for Women-Led Firms
Cite: G. Birindelli, C. Capozza, A.P. Iannuzzi (2022), Covid-19 outbreak and Credit Constraints for Women-Led Firms, in P. Paoloni, R. Lombardi (eds), Organizational Resilience and Female Entrepreneurship During Crises. Emerging Evidence and Future Agenda, Springer, SIDREA Series in Accounting and Business Administration, ISBN 978-3-030-89411-5 ISBN 978-3-030-89412-2 (eBook) https://link.springer.com/book/9783030894122