Quale sarà la banca del futuro e quali saranno i modelli di business prevalenti?
Il BifeLab lavora per progettare le strategie di successo delle banche in uno scenario in profondo mutamento. Il contesto in cui esse operano è sottoposto a pressioni derivanti da più fronti: una regolamentazione bancaria sui rischi basata su regole rigide e stringenti, avanzate tecnologie dell’informazione, una governance sempre più attenta alle esigenze degli stakeholders e, con loro, alla tutela dell’ambiente, degli interessi sociali, delle diversità di genere.
Il team di ricercatori esamina come i cambiamenti in atto stiano modificando l’operato delle banche e come esse possano rispondere riposizionando il proprio business.
Climate change policies: good news or bad news for firms in the European Union?
Cite: G. Birindelli, H. Chiappini (2021), “Climate change policies: good news or bad news for firms in the European Union?”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management; First published: 30 November 2020, Volume 28, Issue2, Pages 831-848, DOI: 10.1002/csr.2093; ISSN on-line 1535-3966, print 1535-3958
Climate Change: EU taxonomy and forward looking analysis in the context of emerging climate related and environmental risks
Cite: G. Birindelli, V. Palea, L. Trussoni, F. Verachi (2020), “Climate Change: EU taxonomy and forward looking analysis in the context of emerging climate related and environmental risks”, Risk Management Magazine, Anno 15, numero 3, Settembre – Dicembre, ISSN Print 2612-3665 – ISSN Online 2724-2153
Environmental Impact Investments in Europe: Where Are We Headed?
Cite: G. Birindelli, A. Trotta, H. Chiappini, A. Rizzello (2020), Environmental Impact Investments in Europe: Where Are We Headed?, in La Torre M., Chiappini H., Contemporary Issues in Sustainable Finance. Creating an Efficient Market through Innovative Policies and Instruments, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-3-030-40247-1 ISBN 978-3-030-40248-8 (eBook)
Intellectual capital disclosure: some evidence from healthy and distressed banks in Italy
Cite: G. Birindelli, P. Ferretti, H. Chiappini, A. Cosentino (2020), “Intellectual capital disclosure: some evidence from healthy and distressed banks in Italy”, Sustainability, 12, 3174; doi:10.3390/su12083174, ISSN 2071-1050.
When do women on board of directors reduce bank risk?
Cite: G. Birindelli, H. Chiappini, M. Savioli (2020), “When do women on board of directors reduce bank risk?”, Corporate Governance, Vol. 20 No. 7, pp. 1307-1327, ISSN 1472-0701, https://doi.org/10.1108/CG-03-2020-0089
Intellectual Capital Disclosure: Evidence from the Italian Systemically Important Banks
Cite: G. Birindelli, P. Ferretti, H. Chiappini (2019), Intellectual Capital Disclosure: Evidence from the Italian Systemically Important Banks, in M. La Torre, H. Chiappini, Socially Responsible Investments: The Crossroads Between Institutional and Retail Investors, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN (soft copy) 978-3-030-05014-6 ISBN (hard copy): 978-3-030-05013-9