How is innovation reshaping the boundaries of modern enterprise and corporate management?

BifeLab works to define the basic principles and systems to help the company design successful strategies of the future and facilitate the transformation of work and commerce into continuous technological innovation. The researchers team examines how the way of operating in a company is changing focusing on how companies can maintain a competitive advantage in the context of the new digital age.



Covid-19 e imprese: impatto, prime risposte e lezioni da apprendere per un ritorno alla prossima normalità.

Cite: Modina M. (2020), Covid-19 e imprese: impatto, prime risposte e lezioni da apprendere per un ritorno alla prossima normalità. In: Palmieri G. (eds). Oltre la pandemia. Società, salute, economia e regole nell'era post Covid-19. Editoriale Scientifica.