
IFKAD 2024 Conference

22 January 2024|Convegni, Novità|

The 19th International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics on the theme: “TRANSLATING KNOWLEDGE INTO INNOVATION DYNAMICS” will take place in Madrid (Spain), on 12-14 June 2024. Call for abstract is available on link: https://www.ifkad.org/

R&D Management Conference 2024

22 January 2024|Convegni, Novità|

The R&D Management Conference is an international event initiated in Manchester in 1980, which annually brings together academics and practitioners concerned with the study of R&D, technology management and innovation. This Conference will explore how technology is disrupting and transforming established industries through innovation. We will examine the forces of digitalization, automation, electrification and sustainability that are driving changes across many sectors. For more information [...]

Sinergie-SIMA 2024 Conference

22 January 2024|Convegni, Novità|

We inform you that the Sinergie-SIMA 2024 Conference "MANAGEMENT OF SUSTAINABILITY AND WELL-BEING FOR INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETY"  will take place at The University of Parma, Parma, Italy, on 13 and 14 June 2024. Call for papers and other information available on the Conference Website: https://www.sijmsima.it

26th Excellence In Services International Conference (EISIC)

15 May 2023|Novità|

Founded by the University of Toulon and University of Verona in 1998 as the “ToulonVerona Conference”, “Excellence in Services” is the 26 th Conference in the series. Since 1998, the Conference has been hosted by 20 different universities. In 2023, The Conference is hosted by the University of West of Scotland, on its Paisley Campus in Scotland. Organizational Excellence is more than ever, in our [...]

EURAM 2023  “Transforming Business for Good”

15 May 2023|Convegni, Novità|

CONFERENCE THEME: TRANSFORMING BUSINESS FOR GOOD As the survival of our planet and humanity itself are threatened by unsustainable business practice, never before have management scholars been placed in such an important role in society.  As researchers, educators and thought leaders, business school academics cannot only play a huge role in helping to ‘Transform Business for Good’ but have a moral duty to do so. The youth [...]

Sinergie-SIMA Management Conference

15 May 2023|Convegni, Novità|

THE SINERGIE-SIMA MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE: OVERVIEW Sinergie’s and SIMA’s common aim is to develop the contribution of Italian scholars to the international debate on management issues. Since 2016, Sinergie and SIMA work together to organize the annual Conference, a scientific event based on Sinergie over 30 years’ experience and on SIMA academic network. The Sinergie-SIMA Management Conference is therefore a well-established scientific meeting that brings together [...]

EFiC 2023 Conference – Call for papers

26 January 2023|Convegni, Eventi|

The Essex Finance Centre (EFiC) at Essex Business School and the Laboratory of Bank, Business, Finance and Ethics (BifeLab) are jointly organising the seventh edition of the EFiC Conference in Banking and Corporate Finance that will take place in person on 6-7 July 2023 in Gaeta, Italy. The objective of the Conference is to bring together leading academics, practitioners and policymakers and give them the [...]

Sinergie-SIMA MANAGEMENT Conference 2021

9 July 2021|Convegni, Eventi|

Nei giorni 9-10-11 Giugno 2021 si è tenuta la Sinergie-SIMA MANAGEMENT Conference 2021 "Leveraging intersections in management theory and practice", alla quale hanno partecipato anche i professori Vincenzo Formisano, Michele Modina, Maria Fedele, Stefano Filomeni e il dottor Gabriele Ianiro, presentando le loro ricerche. Ai link qui di seguito, è possibile ascoltare le presentazioni dei full paper ed extended abstract presentati: FP The Analytical assessment [...]

European Financial Management Association – Annual Conference 2021

9 July 2021|Eventi, Seminari|

Dal 30 Giugno al 3 Luglio 2021, la University of Leeds ospiterà la Annual Conference 2021 della European Financial Management Association, durante la quale il Prof. Michele Modina e la Prof.ssa Carmen Gallucci presenteranno il paper dal titolo: "Small businesses funded by local banks: The impact of bank-firm relationship on default risk" Michele Modina, Carmen Gallucci, Vincenzo Formisano, Filomena Pietrovito nella special session "Corporate Bankruptcy". Nella stessa [...]

Webinar AIFIRM – L’integrazione dei fattori ESG nella valutazione del rischio di credito

9 July 2021|Eventi, Seminari|

Il prossimo 5 Luglio 2021, alle ore 16:00, si terrà il prossimo Webinar gratuito dell'Associazione Italiana Financial Industry Risk Managers (AIFIRM), a cui interverrà anche la Prof.ssa Giuliana Birindelli, dal titolo: "Presentazione Position Paper AIFIRM 29  - L’integrazione dei fattori ESG nella valutazione del rischio di credito"     Per accedere al form di iscrizione e al programma dell'evento è possibile scaricare il documento riepilogativo [...]

Call for Papers: 24th Excellence in Services International Conference (EISIC)

9 July 2021|Convegni, Eventi, News|

Il 2 e il 3 Settembre 2021, l'Università di Salerno ospiterà la 24esima Excellence in Services International Conference (EISIC), che includerà sessioni plenarie con keynote speakers e sessioni parallele specializzate. La deadline per i Full Paper è il 15 Luglio 2021.   Potete trovare tutti i dettagli nel documento scaricabile a questo link.

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