Financial literacy, value creation and firm performance. An investigation of Italian small and medium enterprises


Cite: Quintiliani Andrea, Modina Michele, Arnone Massimo (2023). Financial literacy, value creation and firm performance. An investigation of Italian small and medium enterprises. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, ISSN: 1476-1297, doi: 10.1504/IJESB.2022.1003483

Innovation ecosystems: a comparison between university spin‐off firms and innovative start‐ups. Evidence from Italy


Cite: Modina, M., Capalbo, F., Sorrentino, M., Ianiro, G., & Khan, M. F. (2023). Innovation ecosystems: a comparison between university spin-off firms and innovative start-ups. Evidence from Italy. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 1-31.

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