Crowdfunding as a support tool for the activity of social investors.


Cite: Minguzzi A., Modina M. (2021), Crowdfunding as a support tool for the activity of social investors. In: La Torre M., Chiappini H. (eds). LA TORRE M. (eds). Contemporary Issues in Sustainable Finance. Financial Products and Financial Institutions, Palgrave Studies in Impact Finance, Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 978-3-030-65132-9.

The holding behavior of Shariah financial assets within the global Islamic financial sector: A macroeconomic and firm-based model


Cite: Kok, S.K., Filomeni, S., 2020. “The holding behavior of Shariah financial assets within the global Islamic financial sector: A macroeconomic and firm-based model”. Global Finance Journal. DOI: 

Covid-19 e imprese: impatto, prime risposte e lezioni da apprendere per un ritorno alla prossima normalità.


Cite: Modina M. (2020), Covid-19 e imprese: impatto, prime risposte e lezioni da apprendere per un ritorno alla prossima normalità. In: Palmieri G. (eds). Oltre la pandemia. Società, salute, economia e regole nell'era post Covid-19. Editoriale Scientifica.

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